The EASIEST WAY on How to register to EXO-L Website

Because everybody is going gaga on registering on EXO-L website, I decided to make this post to help those who have problems in registering.

The problem that we usually encounter is the Email Verification. So this guide will help you to skip all those process. Have fun 🙂

NEW UPDATE:  Because of the server maintenance two days ago, smtown site is having a lot of errors. But they already fixed EXO-L main site.

Please check this new GUIDE if this one doesn’t work for you :

Things you need:

Verified Facebook Account or Twitter




First thing to do is to go to

wwwYou can change the language to English if you want. Just click ENGLISH on the top left side of the page.

Then, click the Facebook or twitter button. I used Facebook because it is easier.


Remember to keep refreshing (F5) the page once you get an error message.


In the same browser that you are using, your Facebook account should be logged in.


Once you click the Facebook button, a small pop up page will appear. Click okay to link your Facebook to Smtown website.


In the next page, you have to put your password. Then click okay.


If  ever you experience an error message, click the “BACK button” to go back to the password page and do the same process again. DO NOT REFRESH YOUR PAGE. Just click the BACK button.


The notepad will be useful in this process. Type your password in the notepad and just copy paste it. Every time you experience the error message, click the back button, then copy paste you password.


On the next page, choose all the buttons on the right. In English it means “agree”.


After choosing all the agree buttons, click Confirm.

If ever you get the error message again, click the BACK button. Then do the same process again. I repeat, DO NOT REFRESH YOUR PAGE.


Once you get to this page, CONGRATULATIONS~ You have an account in SMTOWN now without waiting for EMAIL VERIFICATION!!

Next, go to


Click the LOG IN button


If ever you get an error message here, just refresh (F5) your page.


In the Sign In page, click “Join Membership”


In the Register Page, click the “click here” button under the email address.


Type the email that you used in Facebook and the password that you put in SMTOWN site.


Once you experience the error message, just click “GO BACK”.


Use the notepad to copy paste your password to make it easier for you. Remember to click the “Keep your email”.


The Join EXO-L site will appear after. Keep clicking the “START” button. Don’t stop until a message appear.


Once the message “Already a member” appears, click OK.

Congratulations! You are an EXO-L now!!!

Close it and click LOG IN again.


Once you LOG in, the top buttons will appear.


Click L-CARD to view your membership card.


Once you get an error page for the L-Card, just refresh it (F5) of close the window and click L-CARD again.


And there you go. This is the easiest way that I did to skip the waiting time for the email verification.

If you want to answer the quizzes on each member’s planet, here is a guide for you:


Have fun~

EXO Jjang!!

693 thoughts on “The EASIEST WAY on How to register to EXO-L Website

  1. in exo-l website when i click the email authentication it said that it is sent in my login email but i didn’t receive anything… i can’t take quiz.. i can’t see those stars that you post.. help me please…


  2. Can I ask something?
    when I register, my email address isn’t exist, but I can register. When I check to authenticate I can’t pass it, coz the website told me that my email invalid. How should I do then? I use gmail account.


  3. unnie’s HelP pLS..
    Im trying to register i used my gMAil account but stiL ” icnt register cuz it Include capital letter, small letter, number, special character (6-32 characters) BLaBLA .. ” in password
    what would iam gonna Do ? pLSs…


  4. i have made the smtown account but when i want to log in in exo-l website with the same email and password, it will always say “email or password is not match”
    can you tell me what’s the matter? thanks before:)


  5. can you help me, i have already an account on smtown but i cannot log in on exo-L fanclub i already followed your instruction but nothing happened the respond was always incorrect email or password


  6. I just try this today..and this is my first try!!
    I don’t know if it is effective to you but Just go directly to the EXO-L and click register then use a GMAIL email instead of Yahoo..then fill-up the remaining boxes…and BOOM! I’m already IN ^_^
    With my L-Card.. Try It,Guys…Hope its effective to all of you!!


  7. it says “Your authentication email was sent to your login email
    Authentications are complete when you checked your email.” where should I check it?


  8. Unnie why can’t i open “my page” in my exo-l account? I went to sign into the SMTown site but it said that need a confirmation email. However, I’ve already received my confirmation email but it still says that my registration isn’t complete. I tried to resend the confirmation letter but this pop up “ERROR : Have already been certified. Sign in”. Help me I’m lost.


  9. why when open the smtown, the fb/twt icon did’nt appear and i have to sign up normally. but when i click “okay” after done completing the membership form, it said “ERROR: an error occured during subscription”. okay, fine -.- when i click “back”, the membership form was blank == i kept enering that form and ughhh ;;;


    • Because of the server maintenance yesterday, I think they tried to fix everything. But the email authentication still has problems. We don’t have a choice but to wait until SM fix it up 🙂


  10. after i got the authentication email every time i press it it sends me to a page that has two button sign in or main i have pressed both but i cant get my l-card 😦 what should i do


  11. I registred with my usual e-mail two days ago. Today I received the authentication mail and it didn’t work, ’cause when I click on “L-card” it keeps asking me for the mail authentication.
    But five minutes ago I tried the normal registration, the mail arrived, I clicked and now I’ve got my card. With my google mail I can’t get my card, with my hotmail, I can.
    ( Sorry for the bad english, I hope someone understand.)
    Maybe, you could try do everything again from the start.


  12. the authentication email!!! it makes me annoying. btw, thanks unnie. now i can join exo-L. Just that authentication email.!!!!


  13. it’s me again. i was surprised that i received an authentication email. i clicked on the link and they said that “Complete Authentication
    Email authentications are completed
    Please expect more various benefits and story!”
    but when i login again and click on Lcard it still “E-mail authentication” as usual? what should i do? 😦


    • Because of the server maintenance two days ago, I think they tried to fix everything. But the email authentication still has problems. We don’t have a choice but to wait until SM fix it up 🙂


    • Because of the server maintenance two days ago, I think they tried to fix everything. But the email authentication still has problems. We don’t have a choice but to wait until SM fix it up 🙂


  14. my email authentication already been certified…but when i click on the l-card it still ask to wait for the email authentication….waaaaa i want mambership card….


    • Because of the server maintenance two days ago, I think they tried to fix everything. But the email authentication still has problems. We don’t have a choice but to wait until SM fix it up 🙂


    • Because of the server maintenance two days ago, I think they tried to fix everything. But the email authentication still has problems. We don’t have a choice but to wait until SM fix it up 🙂


  15. Unnie!!! why does the ‘ERROR’ thing always pop out of the screen? After the ‘ENTERING OF PASSWORD’ the ‘ERROR’ always pop on the screen. How long will it take unnie? I can’t proceed to the ‘CHECK’ thing. Please help me unnie! 🙂 Thanks unnie!!


  16. why i can’t get L-card? T___T I’ve confirmed the email VERIFICATION but they say that I have not confirm. somebody please help me T_____T


  17. Also my another email says “Your email has already been authenticated. but when i opened my My Page like or the L-Card it keeps saying authenticate your email. its getting on my nerves! and i hate it. i so love EXO but the fansite irritates me! SO PLS HELP ME!


    • Because of the server maintenance yesterday, I think they tried to fix everything. But the email authentication still has problems. We don’t have a choice but to wait until SM fix it up 🙂


    • You’re welcome 🙂 Congratulations my fellow EXO-L 🙂 You can confirm it in the email you used in registering. Because of the server maintenance yesterday, I think they tried to fix everything. But the email authentication still has problems. We don’t have a choice but to wait until SM fix it up 🙂


    • Because of the server maintenance yesterday, I think they tried to fix everything. But the email authentication still has problems. We don’t have a choice but to wait until SM fix it up 🙂


    • You’re welcome 🙂 Congratulations my fellow EXO-L 🙂 You can confirm it in the email you used in registering. Because of the server maintenance yesterday, I think they tried to fix everything. But the email authentication still has problems. We don’t have a choice but to wait until SM fix it up 🙂


  18. Unnie, please help me i’ve tried it all but when I’m in the urged of opening my l-card authentication email was appearing I’ve tried it and it was sen to my e-mail, I authenticated it and a message appeared that it authenticated and I need to login again, I logged in but I still cannot open my l-card. Please help? T^^T


    • Because of the server maintenance yesterday, I think they tried to fix everything. But the email authentication still has problems. We don’t have a choice but to wait until SM fix it up 🙂


  19. hello 🙂 i have registered for the account without using facebook or any of the others. my problem is, i receive the email authentication, but after it tells me that i passed i log in again but when i click on the L-card or my page it tells me to authenticate my email again, i did it 15 times amd i still dont get the card TTATT what do i do?


    • Because of the server maintenance yesterday, I think they tried to fix everything. But the email authentication still has problems. We don’t have a choice but to wait until SM fix it up 🙂


  20. Unnie, I already signed up and I’m already a member (I think, as it says that I’ve already logged in) but when I click on the L-Card option, it says it needs authentication, and it will send the authentication through my e-mail, which it did. But when I clicked on it and it says its authorized and then I click the L-Card option again, it goes back to saying it needs authentication again and again. I’m so confused and depressed , please help! Thank youuuu^^


    • Because of the server maintenance yesterday, I think they tried to fix everything. But the email authentication still has problems. We don’t have a choice but to wait until SM fix it up 🙂


  21. unnie,my problem was same as Phuongha2405 and Nazarene Callao !!! 😦 I can’t get my Lcard although i have received the ‘E-mail authentication’,but when i click on the ‘E-mail authentication’s button,and i open the exoL website to get the Lcard afterward, i can’t proceed to get the Lcard.I repeat this for hundreds times but the answer still remain the same.The ‘E-mail authentication’ doesn’t work.Can you help me solve this problem so that i can get my exo Lcard?


    • Because of the server maintenance yesterday, I think they tried to fix everything. But the email authentication still has problems. We don’t have a choice but to wait until SM fix it up 🙂


  22. I have successfully signed up and logged in, but every time i click the L-Card it’ll redirect me to “Authenticate your email”, when i receive the email and i clicked again for the L-Card, the same thing happens ;n;


    • Because of the server maintenance yesterday, I think they tried to fix everything. But the email authentication still has problems. We don’t have a choice but to wait until SM fix it up 🙂


      • Unnie, i can’t open my L card. they want me to authenticate my mail but when i get to do it, it’ll just go all oVer again. please help me out unnie. thank you and loe youuuu


      • Because of the server maintenance yesterday, I think they tried to fix everything. But the email authentication still has problems. We don’t have a choice but to wait until SM fix it up 🙂


  23. I’ve been refresh the L-card already but they still tell me to authentic the email.. I’ve already checked it but it still the same.. What can I do?


    • Because of the server maintenance yesterday, I think they tried to fix everything. But the email authentication still has problems. We don’t have a choice but to wait until SM fix it up 🙂


  24. anneyong,..
    i got problem with word “ERROR”. if try join smtown membership with facebook, in the step 5 above, i always get ERROR, and i try many times but it just appeared ERROR. What must i do, please help,..
    and then i try to join exo-l with anoher email, after 5 days, finally i got the email authentification, i can log in, but when i click L-card, i have same problem with Phuongha2405.,, please help me,..


    • Because of the server maintenance yesterday, I think they tried to fix everything. But the email authentication still has problems. We don’t have a choice but to wait until SM fix it up 🙂


  25. unnie! 🙂 thanks for the help! I’m already a member ^____^ but my L-Card doesn’t show and it says that i need authentication. I’ve already receive the email authentication and clicked it but still i cant view my L-card :((( how long do i have to wait to see it unnie? 🙂


    • Because of the server maintenance yesterday, I think they tried to fix everything. But the email authentication still has problems. We don’t have a choice but to wait until SM fix it up 🙂


  26. Hello, I got a problem~ I am now a member of EXO-L but the thing is, whenever I pressed the L-CARD button it is asking me to authenticate my email, been receiving a multiple email authentication on my mail already and when I clicked email authentication it says email authenticated… but still the cycle repeats… -__________- what to do? thank you~~ ^^


    • Because of the server maintenance yesterday, I think they tried to fix everything. But the email authentication still has problems. We don’t have a choice but to wait until SM fix it up 🙂


  27. 😦 i got the same problem as Nazarene Callao unnie 😦 what should i do? I can sign in but when i clicked the L-card icon, it showed me the email confirmation.. Then i clicked, i got the authenticate email from sm, i clicked the link and they said the procedures are completed. I signed in again and clicked the L-card but it was still the same… I have tried many times and my inbox now has 10 mails from sm… Pls help me… 😦


  28. Umm. I didn’t follow the instructions but I was able to be a member, was able to do the quiz and everything, but I cant see my card without be stuck with the “email authenticate”. I emailed it a bunch of times but still can’t see card, or post to fanboard and all that. Someone haelp


  29. i already a member of exo-l but why
    my l card dont show???

    when i click l card this is
    what i get

    E-mail authentication
    You need an email authentication.

    When you press below ‘Authentication’, then authentication email will send to your email.
    ※ Issuing L-card and write a comment is available after authentication.

    what happen???
    please help me


  30. Unnie another problem has occurred to me, i’ve already manage to log-in and get pass through with the Start thingy…, I even manage to answer Sehun’s quiz cause i got excited, but when i click the icons above specially the L-card it asks for an email-confirmation, and then i click the authenticated, and open my email there’s the message from SM town i clicked it and it goes to the EXO-L page, but then again everytime i logged-in again and click the L-card it shows the same message…., i’ve actually got tons of email authentication message in my yahoomail…. i dont know what to don anymore :((


  31. Hello there 🙂 can u help me please .. why is it when I click the facebook box its just “error” “요청하신 페이지에 에러가 발생했습니다.
    다시 실행해 보시기 바랍니다. 계속 문제 발생 시 고객센터에 문의 바랍니다.
    감사합니다.” this will appeared? help me please?


  32. Unnie,help me!!!,i can’t get my exoL card..i don’t know why….they keep on say this ” Issuing L-card and write a comment is available after authentication.” wwhat’s the meaning? where should i comment at?


    • Because of the server maintenance yesterday, I think they tried to fix everything. But the email authentication still has problems. We don’t have a choice but to wait until SM fix it up 🙂


  33. E-mail authentication

    When you press below ‘Authentication’, then authentication email will send to your email.
    ※ Issuing L-card and write a comment is available after authentication.

    i already send and confirm but i didn’t get membership card


    • Because of the server maintenance yesterday, I think they tried to fix everything. But the email authentication still has problems. We don’t have a choice but to wait until SM fix it up 🙂


    • Because of the server maintenance yesterday, I think they tried to fix everything. But the email authentication still has problems. We don’t have a choice but to wait until SM fix it up 🙂


  34. when i registered on smtown page, after fill all the details and when i click okay, it appeared : “ERROR : An error occurred during subscription.” 😦 what i should do ? 😦




    • Because of the server maintenance yesterday, I think they tried to fix everything. But the email authentication still has problems. We don’t have a choice but to wait until SM fix it up 🙂


  36. hi… thank you so much for your help… i’m officially become a member of exo-l…. it takes me only a few seconds this morning… sm done a really good job to repair the server…. it was more easier to register now…to the all the exo fans out there, fighting to become exo-l members…


  37. huhuhu.. eonni… help!! even though i have a smtown account, i cannot log in.. i reset the app in my fb to accwpt it again but then when i tried to click sign in using ‘fb’ i always redirected to error page… huhuhu. do i have to refresh it or close the window??


  38. eonni what am i gonna do with this? when i am trying to open the website , this will appear:
    Maintenance is necessary for stable server operation and therefore we would like to ask for your understanding and we apologize for the inconvenience, please be advised that all services of S.M.Entertainment will be unavailable during the server maintenance and its duration may change depending on the progress on the maintenance process.
    [Maintenance Time] South Korea : [GMT+9h] August 10, 9pm~August 11, 2am
    but i already receive a message that i am a member, i even saw my l-card already eonni, will this affect my membership eonni? i am afraid that my membership will be void 😥 I’ve waited for days just to be a member. Help me please eonni.. But above all I thank you, your guide helped me to sign in 🙂


  39. hi!!1 i dont knw why i click fb and they say page error..i have everysing and i click bt still error..i have twitter i use and they say error..what should i do?


  40. Oh My Gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After 782583275372537 Years 😀 I already registered!!!!!!!!!!! I really can’t believe :O THANK YOU VERY MUCH Unnie Cathy-ya 😥 /le cries/ huhuhuhu 😥 I can’t believe !! THANK YOU SO MUCH :* :* :* I LOVE YOU UNNE :* You’re a Life Saver :* :* :* !!!!!!!!!! We Are One EXO-L :*


  41. Thank you so much! I managed to log in! However I’m having problems with the ‘Start’ button. I kept clicking but nothing happened T__T


  42. unnie, why do i get logged in right away when I click the okay button from linking sm town to my facebook account? i tried linking it before and step number 5 appeared but now it doesn’t. 😦 I deleted the sm town app in my fb account and tried it again but it just logs in right away when i click the okay button 😦 please help 😦


      • how do i delete it tho? i can’t log in on sm town. the website’s asking me for an authentication 😦 thank you unnie!


      • Because of the server maintenance yesterday, I think they tried to fix everything. But the email authentication still has problems. We don’t have a choice but to wait until SM fix it up 🙂


    I’ve tried 4 diffferent accounts before I found this awesome tutorial/way.
    I’m still stuck in the start button though (the join exo-l one) but it doesn’t matter will keep on trying and it’s actually a progress.



  44. Unnie, what if the “okay button” wont work? I keep on clicking it but It wont let me, onle the “cancel button works. please help me out Unnie


  45. i can’t press the start botton… what should i do.???
    I do the smae thing at my phone but it’s the same, i cant press the start botton…
    (sorry for my english)


  46. Noona, thank you for your instructions ! i got in but unfortunately, i got stuck on the “start” page. i clicked it again and again but all it says is that i should agree to the terms, i already agreed. what should i do ?


  47. I tried to sign in with twitter but when i enter my email, it asked me to click on check ID button and it said that sign up is pending please sign in. what’s wrong? thanks and sorry for bad English 🙂


  48. I don’t know if i’m a member but when i click the 3 lines (i’m using the app for android) i saw l-card then i click it…..then an I.D with my name on it pops out, am i a member or not???


  49. thank you so much about this tuttorial, and I”m a memeber of SM nooww yyeeeyy,, but now i wanna try to join in EXO-L line, butt the the next of start button make me crying ><, but it's ok, always try and try,,, thank you


  50. hey i reached upto where i have to click the “start” button at the EXO-L hompage. But after that nothing happens.. i click the start button but nothing happens. what should i do now? i have followed the rules too 😦


  51. unnie, why everytime i click facebook or twitter is always an error and when I use twitter and sign up but can not be clicked next: ‘(what should I do unnie?
    and now everytime i use twitter and click Authorize app always error 😦


  52. i`ve follow ur instruction to sign in via FB at smtown..and i did it..but when i tried it again (to make sure) it shows error..then when i follow ur guide at exo l website it tell me to wait for aunthenfication`s frustrating..what should i do? wait after 12am KST?


  53. Unnie, I’ve been repeating the enter your email and password for a long time now. The ‘join exo-l’ page is not appearing. Some are having trouble clicking the start button but I’m stuck here waiting for the start button to appear T.T


  54. uniiee i have a problemm!! I made an acc in SMTOWN … and I recieved the confirmation, but when I clicked ‘confirm’ it’s always error T__T CAN’T OPEN IT .. Do i need to keep on refreshing as well??


  55. Unnie. I have a problem. My problem is, when I am already agreeing and confirming in signing up at Music Nation SMTOWN, error message is always coming out. I was like doing this in 2 hours. 😦


  56. I raped the start button from 1am – 3:30 am last night and just gave up and went to bed. I decided to try again this morning and have been trying since 10am (it’s 12pm now) and my fingers really hurts I think I’m just gonna give up……. I don’t know anymore


  57. I did this from 1 am – 3:30am last night but failed so I decided to try again this morning. I have been doing it since 10am (it’s 12pm and I’m still trying) my fingers really hurt and I think I’m just gonna give up…


  58. Hye unnie. I used this step and it does work! Thank you! I got my L-Card and had answered all of the quizzes. But, this morning when I tried to log-in again, they ask for authentication mail. What to do??


  59. hello^.^…Can I ask question?
    where can i find the the email, if i just sign up and not sign in with facebook or twitter?


  60. ugh, I did it the way you said and since my email for fb is the same one I used to sign up for EXO-L beforehand, it’s still giving me the e-mail authentication thing =/ and also tells me that it fails to authenticate it and I should contact my administrator..??


  61. I just need that email for verification to be an official member but I waited for 4 days and there’s no email. The resend verification email button doesn’t seem to work for me too ! Everytime I press on it it it shows ” Have failed to authenticate please contact the administrator.” what should I do? Also ,I have made an smtown account but they didn’t send me a verification email so I can’t log in.


  62. unni ayudame me quede en la parte join exo l y de ahi no avanza porque no me sale la confirmacion … llevo mas de 2 horas apretando esto y despues lo segui intentando dias y no me sale porque?


  63. Hello, unnie! I just wanna know the maximum time it takes to click the ‘Start’ button over and over, because I just continuously clicked the button for 30 minutes straight and the message is still not showing up. Oh! And do I have to continuously click it, like, get really focused on it? Because right now, in between breaks, I’m reading a fic and I’m blogging… I only diverted my attention to clicking vigorously when my fingers were still okay… now they’re kinda hurting~~ I don’t know if I could go on for more than an hour… and it’s now morning! I spent my entire night thinking of a strategy on easier clicking… What to do, unnie? Got any more advice?


      • So I just tried it on another computer (using it right now) and I got the ‘Already a member’ message in under a minute! I’m so happy! But how do I change my name for the L-card? Since I synced it with my twitter, my name in the card is a weird one and not my real name… How do I change it??


  64. I just need that email for verification to be an official member but I waited for 4 days and there’s no email. The resend verification email button doesn’t seem to work for me too ! Everytime I press on it it it shows ” Have failed to authenticate please contact the administrator.” what should I do? Also ,I have made an smtown account but they didn’t send me a verification email so I can’t log in.


  65. Unnie This Start Thingy is really killing me huhuhuuhuhu :((( do i have to click for it continuously or one at a time until the “Already Member” message pops-out….huhuhuhuhuhu .., But I really thank you for the steps they really help a lot…, its just that this Start huuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu


    • Just click it fast and a lot. Some did it for more than 2 hours -_- You can also try to do it at 12am KST so you won’t suffer so much glitches. Or you can close that window and try to log in again. If that message still appears, then you don’t have a choice but to keep on clicking it.


  66. My friend followed your instructions and it worked for her, but I’m having a hard time with the SNS agreement. I clicked all the agree buttons and when i click to continue on, there would always be an error no matter how times i try. Do i just keep trying?


    • Some did it for more than 2 hours -_- You can also try to do it at 12am KST so you won’t suffer so much glitches. Or you can close that window and try to log in again. If that message still appears, then you don’t have a choice but to keep on clicking it.


  67. My friend followed your instructions and it worked for her, but I’m having a hard time with the SNS agreement. I clicked all the agree buttons and when i click to continue on, there would always be an error no matter how times i try. Do i just keep trying?


    • Just keep on clicking it a lot and super fast. Some did it for more than 2 hours -_- You can also try to do it at 12am KST so you won’t suffer so much glitches. Or you can close that window and try to log in again. If that message still appears, then you don’t have a choice but to keep on clicking it.


  68. I logged in with my Facebook account and it worked! But I didn’t get that agreement contract.. Tried logging into EXO-L but it still said to wait for the email authentication..


  69. Thank You Unnie 🙂 I’m just keep fighting to click that START ! >< Thank you so much, What if I can't print immediately the l-card is there will happen? , Sorry for the Grammar I am a Filipino 🙂


  70. they won’t accept my password. they say that weak password is unsafe , i tried to double my password and fill all but they are not accepting it .. 😦




  72. I’m clicking the start button for like forever now! I did it over 100 times and nothing is happening! 😦 What should i do? PLEASE REPLY ASAP.


  73. At the SM town registration, it always appear ‘erros has occured’ and i keep the first box to go back.. MANY TIMES.. but still nothing happened it still the same 😭😭😭


  74. unnie,I’m still having troubles here…what to do???it says that my email is registered already but I still can’t log in T.T


  75. hi unnie .. how are you ?
    thank you for helping
    but i have a small problem
    i done everything .. but in the last steps ( join exo l )
    i clicked ( start ) thousand times but it didnt work
    please anyone help me
    and thanks again


  76. i clicked the start button 200++ times already 😦 but the message doesn’t come up. my com might just spoil from the number of clicks haha how many more times must I click:(((((


  77. It worked!!! Half way tho -_- the start is killing me :(( It’s not working ,I changed 2 computers and two phones and tried (i used both the homepage and application on the phone) it still didn’t work ,I’m like on the most unluckiest part ,i practically tried fluffing non stop since the first day and it still didn’t work 😦 Isn’t there other way to log in than clicking start ?? others clicked it for a hundred times but belive me i clicked that annoying buttone thousand of times …


  78. how many hours or minutes did you spend until the “Already a Member” appeared? Based on your experience. Answer please 🙂 And by the way, thanks for this it really helps me!!! Thankyou!! ❤


  79. huhuhuhu 😥 When I Log-in in the EXO-L ,, but “Check your MUSIC NATION SMTOWN citizenship authentication mail in your e-mail inbox.” appear. 😥 Please help me 😥 Where will I find that e-mail inbox?? 😥


  80. Help.
    i was half an hour clicking “start” and not even what message that I’m using appears.

    I’m from Argentina Is it as irrelevant to my country? XDDD !!

    If you did the same tutorial, and I’m actually trying to start session yesterday.

    (sorry for my bad English)


    • Does your Facebook have a verified email? You need to verify your Facebook first before doing this guide. The authentication mail is in the email you used in registering.

      The email verification is having a lot of errors nowadays and I think Smtown is not yet done fixing it, so it will take a while before you receive it :/


  81. lagi nalang nag e-error occured 😦 yung ppage pano yun refresh na ko ng refresh ayaw parin help mepleaseeee 😦 kamsaaa


  82. keep clicking start but nothing popped up, i don’t know what t do at this point. the other steps went very easily. i don’t know if i should start over or just wait and click later lol.


  83. Hi. I have reach the Join Exo-L page and i have click the start button for more than 10 minutes but “Already A M ember” still no pop up. Can i refresh this Join Exo-L page? Or i just have to click start till “Already A member” pop up evebln if it more than 30 minutes?


    • Some did it for 2 hours sis -_- try to do it at 12am KST so you won’t suffer so much glitches. Or you can close that window and try to log in again. If that message still appears, then you don’t have a choice but to keep on clicking it.


    • Some did it for 2 hours sis -_- try to do it at 12am KST so you won’t suffer so much glitches. Or you can close that window and try to log in again. If that message still appears, then you don’t have a choice but to keep on clicking it.


    • Some did it for 2 hours sis -_- try to do it at 12am KST so you won’t suffer so much glitches. Or you can close that window and try to log in again. If that message still appears, then you don’t have a choice but to keep on clicking it.


  84. Thank you so much! But I’m still stuck at the ‘start’ section.. how many times did you have to rapidly click the button/close the page/refresh the page before it could work? 😦


    • Some did it for 2 hours sis -_- try to do it at 12am KST so you won’t suffer so much glitches. Or you can close that window and try to log in again. If that message still appears, then you don’t have a choice but to keep on clicking it.


  85. so close yet so far T_T
    the start button won’t work and i’ve been doing it for 30 mins already…
    i tried everything to sign up ….im beginning to lose hope T____T


    • i take that back!!!
      After pressing it for like an hour, refreshing, having a couple of mental breakdowns, i gave it another try.
      AND IT WORKED !! First I pressed it non-stop and of course, nothing happened. but then i waited awhile on the page while scrolling down on tumblr and when i came back to the page, it worked !!! ^_^ thank you soooo much!! I EXTREMELY LOVE YOU !!!


    • Some did it for 2 hours sis -_- try to do it at 12am KST so you won’t suffer so much glitches. Or you can close that window and try to log in again. If that message still appears, then you don’t have a choice but to keep on clicking it.


    • Some did it for 2 hours sis -_- try to do it at 12am KST so you won’t suffer so much glitches. Or you can close that window and try to log in again. If that message still appears, then you don’t have a choice but to keep on clicking it.


    • Some did it for 2 hours -_- try to do it at 12am KST so you won’t suffer so much glitches. Or you can close that window and try to log in again. If that message still appears, then you don’t have a choice but to keep on clicking it.


    • Some did it for more than 2 hours -_- You can also try to do it at 12am KST so you won’t suffer so much glitches. Or you can close that window and try to log in again. If that message still appears, then you don’t have a choice but to keep on clicking it.


  86. I wrote my facebook email and my smtown account and click login, then they ask me to check the auhentication but I found nothing in my inbox. and when I click resend authentication email, they said ‘have failed to authenticate. please contact ur administrator’. what should I do now ?


    • Does your Facebook have a verified email? You need to verify your Facebook first before doing this guide. The authentication mail is in the email you used in registering. The email verification is having a lot of errors nowadays and I think Smtown is not yet done fixing it, so it will take a while before you receive it :/


  87. Stiil waiting for email confirmation but others said i have to click “Resend authentication mail” quickly a hundred times but “Have failed to authenticate. Please contact your administrator” appears TT.TT Do i need to refresh it again?? But it doesn’t work bcs i keep getting “high server traffic” TT.TT


  88. It works on me unnie 🙂 but why do I keep on receiving this error “”Check your MUSIC NATION SMTOWN citizenship authentication mail in your e-mail inbox.”?


    • Some did it for more than 2 hours -_- You can also try to do it at 12am KST so you won’t suffer so much glitches. Or you can close that window and try to log in again. If that message still appears, then you don’t have a choice but to keep on clicking it.


    • Some did it for more than 2 hours -_- You can also try to do it at 12am KST so you won’t suffer so much glitches. Or you can close that window and try to log in again. If that message still appears, then you don’t have a choice but to keep on clicking it.


    • Some did it for more than 2 hours -_- You can also try to do it at 12am KST so you won’t suffer so much glitches. Or you can close that window and try to log in again. If that message still appears, then you don’t have a choice but to keep on clicking it.


    • Some did it for more than 2 hours -_- You can also try to do it at 12am KST so you won’t suffer so much glitches. Or you can close that window and try to log in again. If that message still appears, then you don’t have a choice but to keep on clicking it.


  89. unnie, when i got to the part where i have to agree in order to start, i tried clicking on the start button but nothing happened…
    i even tried going on my phone but it just like stays on the same page


    • Some did it for more than 2 hours -_- You can also try to do it at 12am KST so you won’t suffer so much glitches. Or you can close that window and try to log in again. If that message still appears, then you don’t have a choice but to keep on clicking it.


  90. Hi, I didn’t know you could do it this way so i when i first tried to register i waited 2 days for the authenction mail and i didnt’get it. And now i found out that you could do it with a smtown account and i followed all the steps, but it still says that i need to wait for an authenction mail. What did i do wrong 😦


  91. start button is killing me really .. thanks for help at least i saw a diffrent page from exo-l.. waiting for 4 days ohh :(((((


    • Some did it for more than 2 hours -_- You can also try to do it at 12am KST so you won’t suffer so much glitches. Or you can close that window and try to log in again. If that message still appears, then you don’t have a choice but to keep on clicking it.


  92. I’ve been clicking the start button for like 10 minutes now. My fingers are gonna fall off. How long did it take you to get the ‘Already a Member’ to show up?


    • Some did it for more than 2 hours -_- You can also try to do it at 12am KST so you won’t suffer so much glitches. Or you can close that window and try to log in again. If that message still appears, then you don’t have a choice but to keep on clicking it.


  93. Hi ! Thank you so much for the tutorial, it help me a lot, but is it normal that I clicked on “Start” since 2 hours and it doesn’t work ? (It’s always on the ‘Join EXO-L’ page)


    • Some did it for more than 2 hours -_- You can also try to do it at 12am KST so you won’t suffer so much glitches. Or you can close that window and try to log in again. If that message still appears, then you don’t have a choice but to keep on clicking it.


  94. i’ve been pressing “start” for like 10 minutes and its still not working 😦 but when you hover over a button, there is usually a link right (you can see it at the bottom of the webpage or your arrow cursor turns to a finger?) the “start” button doesn’t come up as a link.. is that meant to happen?


  95. Unnie! Quick Question:
    If I get tired of clicking on the start button and decide to continue clicking tomorrow, will I still be able to join?! I won’t cancel any tabs or anything but will I still be able to join the fanclub another day? Please answer!!!!
    THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! ❤


  96. Sorry I didn’t realize you had so many of the same questions, just a bit confusing because it doesn’t really even seem like it’s even clicking, you know what I mean? Like it doesn’t do anything to let me know it’s even going through…just difficult and annoying :/


    • It is okay.. No worries. Some did it for more than 2 hours -_- You can also try to do it at 12am KST so you won’t suffer so much glitches. Or you can close that window and try to log in again. If that message still appears, then you don’t have a choice but to keep on clicking it.


  97. When it get’s to the section where you have to click “Start” until the “Already a member” appears, how long did you have to click start? I’ve been clicking it for about 5 minutes now and still nothing. Do you click it repeatedly, like one click after another or do you wait a minute after each click? I don’t want to mess this up!


    • Some did it for more than 2 hours -_- You can also try to do it at 12am KST so you won’t suffer so much glitches. Or you can close that window and try to log in again. If that message still appears, then you don’t have a choice but to keep on clicking it. Just click a lot and fast 🙂


  98. help me plz.. i did everything u said but i recieved a message like down. Then i checked my e-mail but there isnt any authentication mail.. Then i clicked to the resend euthentication mail button and faced a warning saying that “have failed to authenticate. please contact your administrator.” What shoul i do ?? And finally sorry for my english 🙂

    E-mail authentication
    Membership subscription will be completed after e-mail authentication.
    Congratulations on becoming a citizen of MUSIC NATION SMTOWN.
    Enjoy the many benefits offered by the S.M. Entertainment Group!
    “Check your MUSIC NATION SMTOWN citizenship authentication mail in your e-mail inbox.
    All subscription procedures are completed by checking the authentication.”
    Thank you for visiting MUSIC NATION SMTOWN.
    Come often for various benefits and fun news!


  99. I’m using twitter, but on the additional information page, it keeps on saying: “Sign up is pending. Please sign in” or “Please, Click the CHECK ID button”, even though I’ve done that many times~


    • Some did it for more than 2 hours -_- You can also try to do it at 12am KST so you won’t suffer so much glitches. Or you can close that window and try to log in again. If that message still appears, then you don’t have a choice but to keep on clicking it.


  100. You’re an angel! Thanks a lot. But I haven’t access my lcard yet because of this “start” thing. Hahaha it’s like I already did a lot of press already. And I’m using my tab because I don’t own a laptop here in HK 😦


    • You’re welcome 🙂 Some did it for more than 2 hours -_- You can also try to do it at 12am KST so you won’t suffer so much glitches. Or you can close that window and try to log in again. If that message still appears, then you don’t have a choice but to keep on clicking it.


    • Some did it for more than 2 hours -_- You can also try to do it at 12am KST so you won’t suffer so much glitches. Or you can close that window and try to log in again. If that message still appears, then you don’t have a choice but to keep on clicking it.


  101. May I know what should I do if I’d clicked subscribe but it shown error page ? I quit the page because I don’t know what should I do at that time. I tried to register again but it shown my email is used —
    ps: I’d done the registration in EXO-L website


    • Some did it for more than 2 hours -_- You can also try to do it at 12am KST so you won’t suffer so much glitches. Or you can close that window and try to log in again. If that message still appears, then you don’t have a choice but to keep on clicking it.


  102. unnie.. i’ve been clicking start for 5 mins yet “already a member” dosen’t appear.. is it normal to take that long? 🙂 and can i refresh the start page and just do it again?? or can i just skip this part and just close and log in again 🙂 thank you!~ ♥


    • You could do that or close that window and click log in again. If the message Join is still there then you don’t have a choice but to click hundred of times until the “Already a member” appears.


  103. unnie is it really normal to click the start button like a hundred times here? cause I keep on doing but nothing happened. 😦


  104. you don’t rewrite your email ?? just a password? because after i login i should write email and password, date of birth etc T.T


      • i tried to use my fb account and after i put my pass , the page showed ” congratulation blablabla” and i tried to login in ex0-l website but they ask for email authentication and after that i tried to sign in in smtown website and i click all of agree button and when i click confirm it always error has occurred T.T


      • unnie, when i click the L-CARD, its show for email authentication, i’ve open the email, and authentic it, but when i open the L-CARD again, it appears again. how i am supposed to do?


      • Because of the server maintenance yesterday, I think they tried to fix everything. But the email authentication still has problems. We don’t have a choice but to wait until SM fix it up 🙂


  105. it worked and all. THANKS 😀 but, why is it so slow and it keeps saying my internet isn’t on/ or I’m offline?? WHen I’m not.


  106. I typed my the email i used in facebook and the password i made for sntown then i clicked enter but they told me to wait for the authentication mail. How come?


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